ELFFOR "Into The Shades Of Hate"
CD 1. Into The Dark Forest...:
1. Intro (Those Dark Battles)
2. Into The Dark Forest...
3. Darkness In The Foggy Mountains
4. Frostfog
5. The Lonely Mountain
6. Under The Northem Icemoon
7. Entrance To The Fog
8. The Threshold Of The Unknown Kingdom
9. Chaos Reigns...
CD 2. Son Of The Shades:
1. Intro
2. Son Of The Shades
3. ...Of Wolves & Blood
4. Infernal Woods
5. Ravensong
6. The Nocturnal Moon
7. Long Winter Days
8. Unholy Gleam
9. Hidden In The Nebular Landscapes
10. Endless Dark Flames
CD 3. From The Throne Of Hate:
1. Old
2. Rare Woods
3. My Hateful End
4. Echoes Of The Past
5. Upon The Barbarian Woods
6. Grimmest Winternights
7. The Essence Of Hate
8. Wicked Shadows
9. Misterious Dawn
10. Ancient Rebirth