BLACKTHORN "Witch Cult Ternion"
1. Witch Cult Ternion
2. Bleeding Milliads
3. Obey the Noxdimensions
4. Strix Nebulosa
5. Heathendust
6. The Spectral Evildence
7. Graven on a Deathless Sin
8. Moonbreed Sigil
9. Threnody in Flames
10. Witch Cult Ternion: Mater Mortis
11. Bleeding Milliads: Ex Tenebris
12. Obey The Noxdimensions: Scire
13. Strix Nebulosa: Dea Inversa
14. Heathendust: Suspiria
15. The Spectral Evildence: Pavor Nocturnus
16. Graven On A Deathless Sin: In Aeternum
17. Moonbreed Sigil: Incantamentum
18. Threnody in Flames: Finis Tantum Initium Est
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