I SHIT ON YOUR FACE "Anal Barbeque"
1. Beer, Pussy and Weed (With a Pinch of Gore)... That's All We Need
2. Impassable Seas of Manure
3. From Fetus... to Feces
4. Mutilate to Masturbate
5. Brown Puke (The Tale of an Obstructed Large Intestine)
6. Fibrilating Farts
7. F.F.F. (Fucking Female Freaks)
8. My Fetish Stinks
9. Satanic Staphylococcus
10. The Diarrhea Convictions
11. Anal Barbecue
12. Colostomy Coitus
13. Cattlecum
14. Enema (Another Tale of an Obstructed Large Intestine)
15. Crispy Crotches Crescendo
16. Clitsaw-Buttdrill
17. Cooking Clotted Cum Covered Cunts
18. Sex Shop Agoraphobia
19. Brutalized by Belzebuth
20. Cripple Cadaver Consumption
21. I Shit on Your Face
22. Eternal Erection
23. Cannabis Cunt