MAXIMUM PERVERSION / EBOLIE "Fuck Ya Ears & Drink Ya Beers"
1. Maximum Perversion - Fuck Ya Ears
2. Maximum Perversion - Devastational Frost of Rectumnal Winter
3. Maximum Perversion - Snowdropper
4. Maximum Perversion - Cookie (Eric Cooke)
5. Maximum Perversion - Grand Guignol of Manufactured Hits
6. Maximum Perversion - De-Bloused in the Cumatorium
7. Maximum Perversion - One Shot - One Kill
8. Maximum Perversion - Wizzardgrind (Can You Feel)
9. Ebolie - Drink Ya Beers
10. Ebolie - Radioactive Ulcer Babies
11. Ebolie - Tongue Surfing the Vegemite Pit
12. Ebolie - Worked Holes
13. Ebolie - Exploiting the Green
14. Ebolie - 1800-Fashioncore Kids Helpline
15. Ebolie - Start Spreadin Disease